

Development of Drama Therapy Course for Children with Mild Mental Retardation

【作者】 梅玲

【导师】 马金晶;

【作者基本信息】 云南师范大学 , 教育硕士(专业学位), 2018, 硕士


【摘要】 随着《2016年版培智学校义务教育课程标准的颁布》,其中以培智学校为中心的校本课程开发与实施成为当前研究的热点。本研究皆在通过对戏剧治疗校本课程的开发,综合应用普校校本课程开发范式的基础上,为其他学校开展戏剧治疗课程提供借鉴和指导。本论文分为四个部分:第一部分是校本课程开发的前期调查,研究者对昆明X培智学校教师和家长进行问卷调查,了解学生现状和需求。依据国家要求、学生需求、学科基础等三个角度,将课程目标分为总目标和具体目标。第二部分是戏剧治疗课程内容的设计,根据课标和智力障碍儿童身心发展的特点将内容划分为肢体动作、想象力、语言表达能力、戏剧活动四个阶段。第三部分是戏剧治疗课程的实施,在课程实施方面,研究者提出了关于戏剧治疗课程实施条件,实施方法,实施原则等方面的要求。另外选取6名研究对象进行了为期16周的课程实践。第四部分是戏剧治疗课程的评价,研究者通过课程方案,教师教学方法,学生学习效果三个维度进行评价,检验课程的可操作性和可实施性。

【Abstract】 With the promulgation of the compulsory education curriculum standard of the 2016 edition,the development and implementation of the school-based curriculum,which is the center of the school,has become the focus of current research.This study is to provide reference and guidance for other schools to carry out drama therapy courses based on the development of the curriculum of drama therapy and the development paradigm of the curriculum.This thesis is divided into four parts:The first part is the preliminary investigation of the school-based curriculum development.The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey on the teachers and parents of kunming X peizhi school to understand the students’ current situation and parents’ needs.According to the national requirements,students’ needs,and the basis of discipline,the course objectives are divided into general goals and specific goals.The second part is the drama therapy course content design,according to the curriculum and the characteristics of mental retardation children’s physical and mental development of the content is divided into body movements,imagination,language expression ability,drama activity curriculum four stages.The third part is the implementation of the drama therapy course.In the aspect of curriculum implementation,the researchers put forward the requirements of the implementation conditions,implementation methods and implementation principles of drama treatment courses.Six subjects were selected for a 16-week course.The fourth part is the evaluation of drama therapy course,the researchers through the course plan,teaching method,three dimensions to evaluate student learning results,test the feasibility and practical course.

【关键词】 戏剧治疗课程开发培智学校
【Key words】 drama therapyCurriculum developmentspecial school

